Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dungeon Dice - Analog Prototype

I started working on a new dice game and built a physical prototype to test out the mechanics and gameplay.  It originally just started out as a analog table top game but have started designing a mobile version.  This is Dungeon Dice.

The game is a dungeon crawler pass and play dice game. Is similar to the Zombie Dice by Steve Jackson Games but with a Dungeon & Dragons twist to it. It is meant to be a quick set up and play through style of game with a full game of 6 people taking 20-30 minutes.

The game is played with 2-6 people with a 5 minute setup. It takes the fun of fighting monsters in a dungeon and collecting loot with the ease of rolling just a few dice. No adding up totals just looking for Hit, Miss or Wound. It's just that simple.

Here are some images that give a better idea of the look and feel of the game.  It's still in the prototype phase  and just has temp artwork on it.  I just used found images from the web that I composited together to create the prototype but the final product will have custom art for it.

Cover Concept Art

 Character Card Concept Art

 Example of materials used

 First Prototype Completed

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